Maniac tells the story of Annie Landsberg (portrayed by Emma Stone) and Owen Milgrim (Jonah Hill), two strangers drawn to the late stages of a mysterious pharmaceutical trial. Neither of their lives have turned out quite right, and the promise of a new, radical kind of pharmaceutical treatment draws them and ten other strangers to the facilities of Neberdine Pharmaceutical and Biotech for a three-day drug trial that will, they’re assured, with no complications or side-effects whatsoever, solve all of their problems, permanently.
Check out the trailer to find out more:
During the episodes, you may have noticed the trendy round sunglasses that Emma Stone, wears, we found them great too so we identified the exact model for you.
The pair of sunglasses that Emma Stone wears for her Annie Landsberg role in Maniac are round sunglasses with a silver frame and grey lenses.
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Annie Landsberg (Emma Stone) Sunglasses in Maniac
The glasses that Emma Stone wears for her Annie Landsberg role in Maniac are Randolph Engineering P3 Sunglasses with chrome and grey lenses.
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